

General Psychiatrist located in Miledgeville and Macon, GA

Depression services offered in Miledgeville and Macon, GA

Depression affects 17% of teens and 8% of adults, making it one of the most common mental health conditions. Being common doesn’t mean depression will improve on its own, but you can overcome your low mood with help from Ronnie Blount, MD, in Milledgeville and Macon, Georgia. Dr. Blount understands it’s hard to seek help when you’re depressed, but if you reach out for an appointment, he provides the support and individualized treatment you need. Call the nearest office or request an appointment online today.


Depression Q&A

What causes depression?

Depression arises from many possible causes, resulting in symptoms ranging from mild to severe and life-threatening.

Major life transitions, such as separating from your partner, losing a job, or the death of a friend or family member, often lead to depression. You also have a higher risk of depression if you have a family history.

Common life stressors like family conflicts and financial struggles can also trigger changes in your mood. Teens are especially susceptible to depression as they face challenges from peers and the stress of becoming independent. 

And on top of the many causes, you have to deal with brain chemistry. Depression is directly associated with imbalanced neurotransmitters (the chemicals nerves use to regulate your moods).

When should I seek help for depression?

Depression caused by life stressors may improve after you overcome the challenge. But the biggest mistake most people make is believing depression will suddenly disappear if they just wait long enough.

Major depressive disorder, which ranges in severity from mild to severe, doesn’t improve on its own. Without treatment, depression can last for months and years. If your symptoms last two weeks or longer, it’s time to seek help from Ronnie Blount, MD.

What are the symptoms of depression?

A depressed mood includes feelings of sadness and hopelessness that pervade every aspect of your life. In addition to feeling depressed, you experience other symptoms. You may:

  • Have difficulty sleeping
  • Get too much sleep
  • Lose interest in favorite activities
  • Have little to no energy
  • Eat too much or too little
  • Gain or lose weight
  • Have a hard time thinking or concentrating
  • Struggle to talk
  • Move slowly
  • Think about suicide

Depression often causes physical symptoms. Many people struggle with headaches, body aches, nausea, or frequent illnesses.

How is depression treated?

Ronnie Blount, MD, has helped many people overcome their depression with personalized treatment. He completes an assessment to diagnose depression and identify and treat problems that often accompany the condition, like anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). 

The treatment approach that’s best for you depends on the cause of your depression (if one is identifiable) and the severity and length of your symptoms. Therapy is the only treatment needed for some people; others also need antidepressants to help improve their mood. 

If your depression doesn’t improve, call Ronnie Blount, MD, or request an appointment online today.